Join us in celebrating the 10th year anniversary of Neema Barnette presents Black History Mini Docs. Since February 13, 2013, BHMD has been delivering a multitude of mini docs along with thousands of our historical postings featuring tribute art, photographs, biographies and podcast throughout multiple social media platforms.
It has been a daunting task, but as I always said, somebody has to stay sane. In this ever increasing world of misinformation and exclusion, particularly as it pertains to Black history, Neema and I believe that it is imperative, that we, by any means necessary, deliver historical information free to the masses. That is the simple purpose of BHMD. I also believe that, at the root of the current polarization and lack of unity amongst all people, is the simple fact that we don't know enough about each other.
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But I must say, it has been a glorious journey for me, because as we hoped to enlighten and familiarize our audiences with those forgotten and lost stories and people, I have reinforced my own education. The series features the stories of great heroes and she-roes of the past, as well as famous contemporaries and un-sung heroes in the Black Diaspora who have devoted their life’s work to upholding the race and giving back. Simply put, BHMD was designed as a crash course in Black history with hopes to inspire others to do further research for themselves.
The fact of the matter is, Black people don't own large film and television distribution companies and our stories often have to pass muster with people who don't look like us, in order for them to be told. Neema and I wanted to design something beautiful that would spark the interest of others to tell the untold. With so many unknown stories, we could not possibly tell them all. So we wanted to make the BHMDs hip, quick, exciting, inspiring and above all, with high quality. Too often when we research information about black history, the quality is below par. Black History Mini Docs is really like a short commercial for seldom told history.
Over our 10 year span, I have witnessed the positive influences, and motivations of others to tell our ancestral stories. We extremely appreciate all of the beautiful praise and thank you’s that you have given us as comments, so many times for so many years. This makes all the hours of work, research and love that we put into our presentations, worth it all.
Truly, blessed and thankful,
Reed R. McCants for Black History Mini Docs
#ReedRMcCants #BHMD #BlackHistory #BlackHistoryMonth #blackhistoryminidocs
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