One of the many criticisms that Malcolm X had about Black people in America is that they were too willing to “turn the other cheek”, a biblical reference that refers to allowing someone to continually slap you in the face without retaliation, when it came to seeking freedom from an oppressive society. In addition the reference was used to criticize the peaceful demonstration approach Martin Luther King Jr. and others would use when the opposing side would sick dogs and turn water hoses on civil rights protesters in the early 1960s. 

Any Means Necessary - #XMonth

Malcolm X. believe that Blacks were fighting the wrong battle in the 1960s. Instead of fighting for “Civil Rights”, which meant that you were asking to sit at a restaurant counter or sit on a bus where you choose, and no one would bother you. Instead Malcolm believe that the true fight for liberation and freedom was much larger than that. He believed Black people should be seeking “Human Rights”, the right to be treated as a Human being. He believed that the true fight was more than being allowed to go where you choose, it was really about not being treated like an animal. Malcolm   believed being forced to live in underserved communities with over served policing, and being hunted down and killed, with no regard for human life, as if you were a horse or cow or chicken, was the real problem.


Arguably one of the best autobiographies ever written, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” was published in 1965, the result of a collaboration between human rights activist Malcolm X and journalist Alex Haley. Haley coauthored the autobiography based on a series of in-depth interviews he conducted between 1963 and Malcolm X's 1965 assassination. 

Recently, there have been speculations as to the amount of real participation Malcolm and even Alex Haley really had in writing the autobiography. If this is true, whoever did right or contribute to writing Malcolm's story did a masterful job. The book continues to be an inspiration to thousands if not millions of people around the world to this day. 

If you were looking to purchase a copy of “the first edition” of the autobiography (pictured here) in mint condition, you might have to pay a hefty price. The reprinted paperback book is available for around $10 or $20 but it is also available in most book stores and on Kindle and Amazon.

MANDATORY X - Malcolm Little: The Boy Who Grew Up to Become Malcolm X

Malcolm X grew to be one of America’s most influential figures. But first, he was a boy named Malcolm Little. Written by his daughter Ilyasah Shabazz,  

This inspiring picture book biography celebrates a vision of freedom and justice. Bolstered by the love and wisdom of his large, warm family, young Malcolm Little was a natural born leader. But when confronted with intolerance and a series of tragedies, Malcolm’s optimism and faith were threatened. He had to learn how to be strong and how to hold on to his individuality. He had to learn self-reliance.

Together with acclaimed illustrator AG Ford, Ilyasah Shabazz gives us a unique glimpse into the childhood of her father, Malcolm X, with a lyrical story that carries a message that resonates still today—that we must all strive to live to our highest potential and it is why we consider it Mandatory X. 

Malcolm Little is available in most book stores and on Kindle and Amazon.

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