BHMD is excited about the addition of our podcast series. In 2013 award winning and legendary producer/director Neema Barnette and her husband filmmaker/actor, Reed R. McCants launched Black History Mini Docs in response to what they felt was a need to reacquaint the world about the tremendous contributions black people have made in history.
Given the current state of unrest, BHMD’s creator Reed R. McCants believes that at the root of the divide between White and Black people is, “lack of knowledge.” “If we all got a chance to really know the many important contributions Black people have made to the world, I believe there would be more respect.
Neema and Reed have been offered their mini history lessons for 7 consecutive years now, on all social media platforms absolutely free to the public. Currently, BHMD reaches an average of 200,000 people a week with their continuous daily post. With the announcement of the podcast Barnette feels confidence that audience will increase. “Reed and I have always wanted to produce a podcast for BHMD, and with the help of a couple of friends that wish is coming true. We are extremely proud of this endeavor.” says Neema.
The podcast will rotate host with Barnette and McCants occasionally sitting in. Future show topics will range from science, literature, film, art, business, politics, economics, education, innovation, entrepreneurship and much more. Just like the social media post you enjoy every day, the topics will focus on each months events throughout history and the birthdates of history's highest achievers. In addition, the show will have “History Now” segments that highlight current history makers in an effort to close the gap between “old-school” and “new school” with stories of inspiration as we all build building towards a better future. The BHMD Podcast has joined the BuzzSprout family of Podcasters and can be listen to on our website, our social media pages and most of the popular podcast platforms streaming currently.
Bill Williams for Black History Mini Docs
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